Thursday, March 17, 2011

Featured Artisan - Gregory Johnson


Title: A Man And His Umbrella

Title: Nature's Kink

Title: What It's All About

Title: Gravity's Whim / Just Like That

Title: Winter's Approach


By Greg Johnson

I processed my first roll of film in 1971 with the help of Franz, an avid photographer who was responsible for the day to day operation of our Post Recreation Center in Bad Aibling, Germany. After showing me how film was supposed to be wound onto a processing reel with the darkroom lights on, he left me, on my own, in the dark.
About a half hour later he knocked and asked if I was ok. When I mumbled something crude, he chuckled and told me to not to give up. Needless to say, that roll of film was a disaster, the images even worse. I never entirely gave up.
With the exception of a  10 yr pause, I have maintained an interest in photography in one form or another. I photograph anything that piques my interest; I like to think of my ever emerging “style” as non-destructive and freely “radicalistic.”
I see the camera as a tool used to produce a canvas upon which I can, if I so choose, paint my imagination, utilizing whatever tools and techniques are available.
Images from this Artisan will soon be available on a website, which is currently under construction.

1 comment:

Jarede said...

Stunning images Greg. Thank you for sharing.